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HomeMastersUK Scholarship: Gates Cambridge Scholarships Application to Study in UK 2023

UK Scholarship: Gates Cambridge Scholarships Application to Study in UK 2023

Fully Funded Scholarship: The application is open for the 2023 Gates Cambridge Scholarships for International Students to Study in the UK. This is a UK Scholarship, it doesn’t require IELTS.

The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are one of the world’s most prestigious international scholarships, providing full funding for postgraduate studies.

This content will help you to easily apply for this scholarship. Also, see A – Z on how to apply and secure abroad scholarships here.

Kindly read the full details provided here before you begin your application. Do not be in a haste to register without reading the scholarship guide here.


About The Gates Cambridge Scholarships

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship program was established in October 2000 by a US$210 million donation to the University of Cambridge from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; this is the largest single donation to a UK university. The first class of scholars arrived in October 2001.

Each year, Gates Cambridge awards approximately 80 full-fee scholarships to outstanding applicants from countries other than the United Kingdom to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject offered by the University of Cambridge. Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be available to Ph.D. students, with 25 awards available in the US round and 55 available in the International round.

Brief Scholarship Details

Host Country: UK

Sponsor(s): Gates Cambridge Scholarships

Academic Program: Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | Ph.D. Scholarships

Award Value: Fully Funded

Eligible Country: All countries except the UK

Application Begins: 15 September 2022

Application Deadline: 3 January 2023

Full Benefits of Gates Cambridge Scholarship

A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge including

  • Tuition fees,
  • maintenance allowance (£18,384 for 12 months at the 2022-23 rate),
  • travel costs,
  • visa, etc.

It also provides additional, discretionary funding such as academic development funding, family allowance, fieldwork, etc.

Eligibility Requirements for Gates Cambridge Scholarship

You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:

  • a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom
  • applying to pursue one of the following courses at the University of Cambridge:
    • PhD (full-time or part-time*)
    • MLitt (full-time)
    • One year postgraduate course (full-time), with some exceptions – see below

See the full list of eligible courses here

* For October 2023 entry, Gates Cambridge is piloting a scheme that allows applicants to apply for funding for a part-time doctoral degree.

Also Apply: 2023 Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for Developing Countries


Courses which Gates Cambridge does NOT consider:

  • Any Undergraduate degree, such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA)
  • Business Doctorate (BusD)
  • Master of Business (MBA)
  • Master of Finance (MFin)
  • MASt courses
  • PGCE
  • MBBChir Clinical Studies
  • MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time, Home students only)
  • Graduate Course in Medicine (A101)
  • Part-time degrees other than the PhD
  • Non-degree courses

Selection Criteria for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship Award

Candidates are assessed based on four criteria below:

  1. Outstanding intellectual ability
  2. Reasons for choice of course
  3. Commitment to improving the lives of others
  4. Leadership potential

Application Procedure

Applicants apply for admission and funding (Gates Cambridge and other sources) through the University’s Graduate Application Portal.

Click here and follow the full application guide.

To be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, you must first complete the application for admission to a course and a College place, as well as the Gates Cambridge section of the funding section.

There are two Gates Cambridge application deadlines: 12 October 2022(for US citizens resident in the USA) and either 1 December 2022 or  5 January 2023 depending on the course (for all other eligible applicants).

Apply Here



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