About Us


To be the number one leading platform in providing individuals all around the globe with up-to-date life changing opportunities.


Who We Are?

MyscholarshipNG is a domain that is set to update individuals around the globe with authentic information on fully-funded scholarships, jobs, internships, and many opportunities around the globe.
MyscholarshipNG is ready to feed its community with updates on life-changing opportunities. It is an educative as well as an informative platform.

What We do

Our core value is to provide you with the latest opportunities all around the world. These opportunities include; scholarships, jobs, internships, grants, contests,
admissions and many more opportunities.
Intending to aid and support you, we also render admission processing and scholarship application services. This is because some people may find it difficult how to go about applying for these opportunities.
Every opportunity updates have a clear and concise step-by-step application process. It is therefore advised you carefully read the instructions before making any application.

About Our Contents

We publish educative and informative content on our website. All contents published on MyscholarshipNG are results of in-depth research by MyscholarshipNG content creators. All opportunities posted on the website are valid and authentic opportunities. Do well to refer to our webpage if you should copy any content from our website.
Kindly visit our myscholarship.ng daily as we get you updated with hot opportunities.


Thanks, Best of Wishes Us…