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HomeScholarshipsCommonwealth Shared Scholarships For Masters: Second Class Lower Can Apply

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships For Masters: Second Class Lower Can Apply

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for International Students

Commonwealth Scholarship: Application is open for the 2023 Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for International Students. This is a scholarship for master’s degree program.

The Commonwealth Shared Scholarships programme is one of three Master’s programmes offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.

Scholarship Overview

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom (UK) administers the UK government scholarship program that is guided by international development goals.

It operates within the framework of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and serves as a vivid example of the United Kingdom’s long-standing commitment to the Commonwealth.

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

Brief Scholarship Details

Sponsor(s): Commonwealth

Study Country: UK

Academic Programme: Masters | Postgraduate

Benefits: Fully Funded Scholarship | £2,000 per month Stipends | Accommodation | Airfare Tickets

Application Deadline: 6 January 2023

Scholarship Award Value and Duration

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are jointly funded by the CSC and participating UK universities.

Each scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from the Scholar’s home country to the UK and return at the end of their Scholarship (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before the award is confirmed) – funded by the CSC
  • Approved tuition fees: full fees are covered by an agreement between the CSC and the UK university, and Scholars are not liable to pay for any part of the tuition fee
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,236 per month, or £1,516 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at current levels) – paid and funded by the university

  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable – paid and funded by the university
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable – claimed from and paid by the university; funded by the CSC
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas – claimed from and paid by the university; funded by the CSC
  • Contribution towards the cost of a mandatory tuberculosis (TB) test, where required for a visa application (receipts must be supplied) – claimed from and paid by the university; funded by the CSC

  • If Scholars have children and are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £529 per month for the first child, and £131 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if Scholars are accompanied by their children and they are living with them at the same address in the UK (rates quoted at current levels)
  • If Scholars share that they have a disability, a full assessment of their needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC.

Also Apply: Harvard University Aspire Leaders Program

Eligibility Requirement for the Commonwealth Shared Masters Scholarships

To apply for these scholarships, candidates must:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
  • Be available to start their academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September 2023

  • By September 2023, hold a first degree of at least upper second-class (2:1) honors standard, or a lower second-class degree (2:2) and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)
  • Not have studied or worked for one (academic) year or more in a high-income country
  • Be unable to afford to study in a UK university without this Scholarship
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format

Selection Modality

Each participating UK University will conduct its own recruitment process to select a specified number of candidates to be awarded Commonwealth Shared Scholarships. Universities must put forward their selected candidates to the CSC in March 2023. The CSC will then confirm that these candidates meet the eligibility criteria for this programme. Universities will inform candidates of their results by July 2023.

Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate
  • Quality of the plan of study
  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s home country

How to Apply

Use the Apply Button provided below to access the application portal OR Apply Here

To apply, candidates MUST submit the following:

  • By the deadline of 16:00 (UK Time) on 13 December 2022, apply to the CSC via the CSC’s online application system. For further details, click here.


NB: applicants are encouraged to submit both applications as soon as possible. Failure to meet the respective application deadlines (given above) means that the applicant will be ineligible and won’t be considered for the scholarship opportunity.

Admissions Fee

Applicants for master’s programmes at King’s College London are normally required to pay an admissions application fee, however, if you are applying for the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS) opportunity, you can have this fee waived.

To get your admissions application fee waived, please follow these instructions:

  1. Start drafting your application for the MRes Clinical Research or MSc Palliative Care via our online system – King’s Apply.
  2. Once you have completed your application and before you submit, please send an email to Chan Sum at [email protected] to confirm that you are a CSSS applicant and include your first name, surname, the name of the programme you are applying for, and the email address you used to set up your account on King’s Apply. Please title your email as ‘CSSS 2023/24 – admissions application fee waiver’, and send your email by no later than 2nd January 2023*.
  3. Your details will be passed to the admissions team who will arrange to waive your application fee and confirm that you can submit your application free of charge.

The application deadline to King’s College London is 6th January 2023, so if you require a waiver of the admissions fee, you must confirm this to us earlier so that we can process your request and enable you to submit your application by 6th January 2023

Shared Scholarships are for full-time study only and no other course of study may be undertaken at the same time.


Click Here to Apply


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