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HomeInternshipsWorld Bank Recruitment: 2022 World Bank Group Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP)

World Bank Recruitment: 2022 World Bank Group Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP)

World Bank Recruitment: Young and potential entrepreneurs with qualifications in their respective fields are invited to the 2022 World Bank Group Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP). Young professionals and entrepreneurs who are ready to make an impact in their diverse sphere should kindly key into this opportunity.

Please kindly read all instructions here carefully before applying. Ensure you share to persons it will be of relevance to as well. This is a World Bank Recruitment.

This program is aimed at elevating successful beneficiaries, financially (World Bank Standard), professionally, and leadership-wise.


Table Of Content

About The World Bank Group Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP)

Objectives of The WBG YPP

Program Summary

Benefits and Value of World Bank Group YPP

Eligibility Requirement of WBG YPP

Graduate degree requirements

Professional experience requirements

Document Requirements and Application Checklist

Essay Topic Question

How to Apply


About The World Bank Young Professionals Program

World Bank Young Professionals

The World Bank Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP) is a two-year leadership development program that begins at the commencement of a five-year work contract with the World Bank, IFC, or MIGA. Young Professionals (YPs) begin the program in Washington, DC, where they get extensive on-the-job and classroom training in the principles of leadership and development operations across institutions, as well as how to discover opportunities for shared impact.

Young Professionals are recruited from all around the world, with a preference for nationals of WBG member countries and operating countries. We encourage talented candidates from a variety of professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds to apply.


Objectives of The World Bank Group Young Professionals Program

The World Bank Group seeks individuals with a passion for international development, graduate education, relevant professional experience, and the ability to advance into effective leadership roles across World Bank Group institutions.

Young Professionals with varied academic and professional backgrounds relevant to the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA are recruited from all over the world.

Three colleges are presently taking applications for the new program (the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA). The WBG YPP will recruit and educate future leaders to cooperate successfully across our institutions on collaborative WBG solutions to development challenges, building on the rich legacy of its predecessor programs.


Program Summary

Sponsor(s): World Bank Group

Qualifications: Graduate, Masters, and Ph.D

Value of Program: Salary and Other Allowances

Eligible Countries: World Bank Member Countries

Application Deadlines:

June 15 – July 15 for all profiles and from August 15 – September 30 for IFC and MIGA profiles only.

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Benefits and Value of World Bank Group YPP

As part of a 5-year term contract, the WBG YPP provides a competitive salary and benefits package. Benefits include health, life, and accident insurance, a pension plan, and, depending on WBG criteria, relocation and mobility benefits.


Eligibility Requirement of World Bank Group Young Professionals Program

Below are the requirements required for WBG YPP as stated by the World Bank Group. To be considered for the WBG YPP, applicants must:

  • Be born on or after October 1, 1990
  • Have a master’s or doctoral degree*
  • Specialize in a field relevant to YPP Business Areas
  • Demonstrate relevant professional experience or continued study at the doctoral level**
  • Be fluent in English
  • The Bank’s Group recruitment policy is to hire a staff of the highest caliber, on as wide a geographical basis as possible, with preference to nationals of WBG member countries or countries of operations.


Graduate degree requirements

For World Bank placement: Complete a relevant master’s degree by September 2022 or Ph.D. before September 2023. Fields of study should be related to a World Bank Business Area.

For IFC & MIGA placement: Complete a relevant graduate degree by September 2023. Fields of study should be related to an IFC or MIGA Business Area, including but not limited to a Master’s of Business Administration (or equivalent), Economics, Finance, International Relations, Science, and Engineering.

Professional experience requirements

For World Bank placement: Demonstrate 3+ years of relevant experience, or the equivalent in the continued study at the doctoral level.

For IFC & MIGA placement: Demonstrate 4+ years of relevant experience in finance, political risk insurance, credit enhancement, project/program development, economic development, and/or consulting. Certifications such as the CFA are a plus.


Document Requirements and Application Checklist For WBG YPP

Below are the documents required for this World Bank Recruitment:

  • Resume/CV
  • Academic Credentials*
  • 1 Short Essay 
  • Short Summary of Thesis or Dissertation (World Bank candidates, only if applicable)
  • 3 Professional or Academic Recommendations

Transcripts should display an expected graduation date if currently enrolled.

Recommendations will be requested via email during the eligibility screening stage.


Essay Topic Question

Please answer the following (in 750 words or 4,500 characters or less):

Given the current global context, how can the World Bank Group help our country’s clients support and reach a green, resilient, inclusive development? Please include rebuilding on progress lost on the WBG’s twin goals over the past few years, as it relates to your area of work.


How to Apply

  1. Kindly read all instructions carefully.
  2. Click on the Apply Button Below
  3. Click on Sign Up on the application page to create your profile
  4. Sign in after you create your profile
  5. Begin your applications

Apply Here

Best Of Luck!

Visit World Bank Group Official Website Here for More Information


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