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Apply Now: 2023 Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program for Developing Countries

2023 Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program for Developing Countries

Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program: The application is open for the 2023 Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program for Developing Countries. All eligible and suitably qualified students are encouraged to apply via the Apply Button below this content.


Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program Overview

Apply for the Well Mountain Initiative Scholar Program

Wells Mountain Initiative (WMI) is devoted to inspiring social progress at the local level through the establishment of a global network of grassroots pioneers who are activating community development in 54 developing nations.

We back young people who have demonstrated they are unyielding in the face of adversity and are dedicated to advancing change in their locale. We finance their college studies in areas of high demand, aid them in leading social initiatives during their academic career and stay with them to address any issues, ensuring they complete their studies.

After graduation, we offer life-long assistance, which includes expert development and social enterprise instruction, grants for community development to begin and expand their own projects and businesses, frequent in-person conferences and online seminars and aid for scholar-led fellowships in the nation.

Our Vision

WMI Impact to Society

Young people are able to realize their full potential and become leaders in creating the changes they want to see in their communities and, ultimately, the world.

History of Well Mountain Initiative (WMI)

Well Mountain Initiative Scholar Program

In 2005, Wells Mountain Initiative was founded with the idea that we could have an important role to play in helping young people in the developing world by leveling the global playing field for education, opportunity and justice.

Our first efforts were aimed at scholarships.  From the beginning, we also focused on community service and encouraged our scholars to volunteer.

Brief Programme Details

Employer: Well Mountain Initiative (WMI)

Type: Scholarship (Grant)

Academic Level: Undergraduate | Secondary School leavers

Benefits: Mentorship | Networking

Program Value: $1000

Eligible Countries: Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 1st, March 2023.

APPLY ALSO: 2023 Side Hustle Internship

Eligibility Criteria for Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program

Interested candidates who wish to apply for the 2023 Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program must meet the following requirements:

  • Successfully completed a secondary education, with good to excellent grades.
  • Is 35 or under on March 1, 2023
  • Will be studying in his or her country or another country in the developing world*
  • Is pursuing his or her first bachelor’s degree or diploma.
  • Will be enrolled in a program of study that will benefit the community and/or contribute to the continued growth and advancement of his or her home country.
  • Plans to live and work in his or her own country after graduation.
  • Has demonstrated his or her commitment to giving back and has volunteered prior to applying.
  • May have some other funds available for his or her education but will not be able to go to pursue his or her tertiary degree without financial assistance.

Important Notice

Submissions must be in by the 1st of March each year in order to be taken into account for the upcoming academic year. We have an extensive multi-stage review process for choosing WMI Scholars, and the chosen ones will receive an email on the 1st of August.

Additionally, their names will be posted on our website homepage and the WMI Facebook page. Those who are not chosen will be informed after the 1st of August.

Disclaimer: Scholars planning to study in the United States, Canada, Australia, UK or Western Europe will not qualify for a WMI Scholarship



Documents Required for Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program

Interested candidates will be required to provide the following documents:

  • Clear personal photo
  • Essay (topic is stated below)
  • Essay prompt: If you were awarded $1000 for a community service project to help your community, what issue would you address? Who would benefit and how? How would you measure the success of the activity? Please provide a detailed budget for all expenses. Note: this is a hypothetical situation and should not be considered a request for funding.
  • 2023 application form
  • 500 – 1000-word Personal essay statement
  • Two recommendation letters
  • Official transcript of grades from secondary school
  • Official grading key to interpret secondary school grades
  • Official transcript of grades from tertiary studies (if applicable)
  • Official grading key to interpret tertiary grades
  • Official results from your national exam
  • Official grading key to interpret scores on your national exam.

Tips to Securing the Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar program.

To strengthen your application, you should take the following steps:

  • Record details of your volunteer service (such as dates, activities, hours, and images).
  • Gather your secondary school transcript, national exam results and associated grading criteria.
  • Request two letters of recommendation, on official letterhead, from people who have a professional or personal relationship with you and can explain why you should be awarded the scholarship.
  • Make sure all your documents are translated into English.

Key Documents will assist you in determining your eligibility and guide you in the application process:

Depending on the culture, the content of recommendation letters can differ. To help applicants get letters of recommendation that will strengthen their application, we have come up with Guidelines for Effective Application-Recommendation Letters. We recommend you to read this document and pass it along to anyone who will be writing a letter of support for you.

If you are submitting an application, the grading key used must be official. This means it must be supplied by the school or government administering the grades or national exam. Using any other key will result in your application being rejected. To obtain this document, please reach out to your secondary school, university, or governmental body.

Please Note: Applications from qualified applicants will be accepted until March 1, 2023.


The Selection Process for the 2023 Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program

Please be aware that, in recent years, WMI have only been able to choose about 5% of applicants for this program. They are only able to accept a certain number of scholars due to our financial constraints, yet all of the candidates are incredibly worthy of being a part of the WMI Scholars program.

As they expand, so will the amount of scholarship recipients they can take in annually. WMI urges you to apply and to keep looking for other sources of funding for your education.

If you meet the requirements, now is the ideal time to put in your application! Since 2005, WMI have aided more than 640 students from around the world.


How to Apply for the Well Mountain Initiative (WMI) Scholar Program

How to apply for WMI Scholar Program

There are two ways to apply: Online, or by mailing in a completed application packet to their office.

Online Application

WMI Application duration

Interested and suitable qualified candidates should click the Apply Button below to apply.

Click Here to Apply

Upon clicking the link, you will be brought to a page where you need to set up a personal account with your username and password.

It is advised to submit your application online as it will allow you to keep what you’ve done and come back later. This also ensures that the application you submit will be received and evaluated.

WMI accepts the following file formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, DOC, DOCX, and PDF (version 10 or above).

Applying through Mail

If you’re planning on applying for 2023, you’ll need to print out the application form when it becomes available on December 1, 2022. Make sure to fill it out carefully and attach all the required supporting documents before you send it to us.

WMI will need to receive your application by March 1, 2023 in order to consider it, so keep that in mind when you’re planning your timeline.

If you’re mailing your application from outside the country, give yourself at least three weeks to make sure it gets to us on time. And remember, they only need one completed application from you, so don’t send any extra mailings with supporting documents.

WMI definitely recommend applying online to make sure everything goes smoothly. And just a heads up – they can’t accept applications sent via email, so please don’t do that!

If you get stuck, kindly direct your Questions to [email protected]

Scholarship Past Questions



MyscholarshipNG has created an official online store that contains a ton of Past questions to scholarship, internship & Job opportunities.

If you are looking at excelling in any aptitude test, then you might want to consider getting the past questions (it goes for 1K only)

Buy Now

Good luck in your Application!


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