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HomeNigerian ScholarshipHow to Apply for the Federal Government Scholarship (FSB): The Definitive Guide...

How to Apply for the Federal Government Scholarship (FSB): The Definitive Guide in 2023

Today, I will show you…

How to apply for the 2023 Federal Government Scholarship (FSB) Award, step by step.

This is well-packed content to aid you apply for FSB Scholarship successfully.

You will learn the steps to filling out your personal, and academic information, and Qualifying Documents on the portal.

If you are a student looking…

  • To Apply for a Nigerian Scholarship Award
  • To fund your University Education in Nigeria
  • To Boost your College Resume for Internship and
  • To flex life a bit in the University.

Then, this guide is for you.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the Federal Government Scholarship?
  2. How to Apply for the Federal Government Scholarship (FSB) in 2023
  3. Post Application Exercise for the Nigeria Award Scholarship.
  4. Federal Government Scholarship Past Questions

1. What is the Federal Government Scholarship (FSB)?

It is a Grant System pioneered by the Federal Government of Nigeria to support students across the country.

The Federal Government Scholarship Scheme was implemented and monitored by the Federal Scholarship Board FSB, headed by the Federal Ministry of Education.

The Federal Scholarship board is designed to:

  • Regulate Scholarship Grants.
  • Monitor Exchange programs by Nigerian Students.
  • Award Foreign Embassy Scholarship
  • Grant the Bilateral Education Agreement & Nigeria Awards for students in Nigerian Universities.

If you want to know more about the scholarship, the requirements, eligibility, and Scholarship worth…

We have created a blog post to help you.

Read Also: 2023 Federal Government Scholarship.

This brings us to our next Chapter.

2. How to Apply for the 2023 Federal Government Scholarship (FSB)

I will share 11 simple steps to help you apply for the Federal Government Scholarship, Nigeria Award (NA) from scratch to Finish.

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Toggle on Your Data Connectivity and Open up any browser.

Since the scholarship application is online, you need to toggle on your data either on your mobile phone or PC.


If you are using a Mobile Phone or Tablet…

Toggle-On-your-Mobile-or-PC-Data-NowIt should be a piece of cake for you


Whereas if you are using a PC, you may need to switch on your Wi-Fi and connect to an available Hotspot…

Or you may use a Personal modem for better connectivity.

Next, you Open Up your Browser (Chrome is strongly recommended)


Chrome may consume a lot of data, but it does accept multiple websites and is most likely the best User-Friendly browser.

Unlike other Browsers like Opera Mini, UC Mini, Phoenix browser, and so on…

Not all websites can be opened on then and thus don’t have the flexibility to accept multiple JavaScript Codes.

Read also: 20 High Paying Scholarships in Nigeria you shouldn’t miss out (2023)

Step 2: Head Over to Google Search Engine and type in the keyword “FSB Scholarship 2023”.

Your browser, by default, should already use Google as its central Search Engine.

Click on “Search or Type Web Address”.


Type in the Keyword “FSB Scholarship 2022” and Hit the Enter Key on your phone or PC.


Google runs the keyword with multiple websites that are best related and pops open a List of Blog posts & Ads.

Step 3: Tap the “2021/2022 Federal Government Scholarship Award”.

By Default, The Federal Government Official Website should be the #1 site you see.


Click on the Website Address or Click on “Federal Scholarship Board” to get redirected to their Official Website.

If performed well, you will see this.

2022 Federal Government Scholarship Availability

Step 4: Choose the Appropriate Scholarship Schemes and Apply.

Scroll through the site for more information about the Available Scholarship.

Also, read through every detail provided on the site.

Check out what kind of scholarship is available, you need to take this seriously…

Because a lot of students don’t read through and apply for the wrong scholarship.

The Federal Government Scholarship Board (FSB) releases the list of ongoing scholarship Applications…

And all you need to do is select the one suitable for you and apply.

In this case, the “2023/2024 Federal Government Scholarship Award” is what you should be looking for.


As of the 06th of February, 2023 the Nigerian Award deadline is 20-03-23.

Read through the instructions carefully, you shouldn’t miss any detail.


Study the Scholarship Eligibility or Criteria for the Nigerian Award.

Find the Most Important Information for the NA scholarship.



Read through the Field of study to be considered for the Nigerian Award Scholarship.

Also, it’s important to note the core Computer Based Test Venues for the FSB Examination Exercise.


It is advisable to choose a venue close to the region while applying.

At the bottom of the FSB site, click the “Apply Now”.


This will redirect you to the “Register an Account” page with a default box opened.

Step 5: Fill in your Information and Create an Account in the FSB portal


You are expected to fill in the details required to create an Account within the FSB portal.

Here’s what to do to create an Account within the FSB site:

  • Enter in a valid email address “[email protected]”.
  • Create a strong Password key, “CopyCat@1234”
  • Enter in your strong password to confirm.
  • Provide your surname, “Dummy”.
  • Provide your First Name and any other name.
  • Place in your Mobile Number.
  • Select the “Scholarship Type” you are applying for.

In this case, it’s “the 2022/2023 Federal Government Scholarship Award”.

Read through the details you entered and check for errors.

Cross-check until you are satisfied and Hit “Register”.

PS: Congratulation you have successfully created an account with the Federal Scholarship Board.

After you have registered, you will be redirected to provide your login details.

Step 6: Login into your FSB Profile Account


Type in your Email and Passcode and Hit the “Login” button.

If you are using a Chrome browser you will see a pop-up asking to save details in the browser.

Click “Yes” (This will help you recall your Username and Passcode anytime you want to log in).

After successfully Logging In…

You will be redirected to your Scholarship Application space.


PS: Mobile Users in this stage, please change your view to Desktop Mode.

Open up the Menu button at the left End.

Open Up Menu at the Top Left

Expand the “Your Profile” category and click on “Bio-Data”.

Step 7: Fill and Complete the Bio-Data Profile


The Image below should pop up.


Read the Instruction Carefully…

FSB only accepts files, images, and documents formats of 100KB or below (In JPEG)

Don’t upload your documents in pdf or PSD format, you will be disqualified instantly during the selection process.

Click “Choose File”, and upload a clean-looking passport.

Enter In your National Identification Number, it is an 11-digit code in your NIMC Slip.

If you don’t have a NIN or NIMC slip…

Register for it at any NIMC Branch in your location and continue your application before the deadline.

Enter in your First Name, Surname, and Other Names.

Provide your gender, “Male” or “Female”.

Under the “Academic Level Applying for” space…


Select what program you are applying for.


Fill out the other details

Click “Save” to continue with your application.

If your Data and documents were saved successfully, you should see a notification like this.


You will be redirected to the “Parent Info” Tab.

Step 8: Fill and Complete the Parents / Next of Kin Profile


Fill out every data requested and click “Save”.

If you aren’t automatically redirected, you can do this manually.

First, Click on the Menu bar.

Choose the Parents & Kin Details Tab.


You will be redirected to the Parents and Kin Detail profile.

Simply fill in the Information of your guardians and next of Kin.

When done, hit the “Save” button.

Step 9: Fill and Complete the Current Academic Form


You will be redirected to the “Current Academic Level” Tab.


Provide your academic information, Be Honest.

Never lie about your CGPA, it would be confirmed by the FSB Team from your Institution.

Enter in your Current Course, Year of Admission, Current Institution, The state the Institution is located, Category of study, and current level CGPA.

Hit the “Save” button.

Step 9: Fill and Complete the Upload Vital Document Profile


You will be redirected to the “Upload Valid Document” Tab.


Read the Instruction carefully…



Don’t upload any file greater than 100KB, it won’t be accepted.

Upload your Valid “Student Identity Card” and “Letter of Admission to your current Institution”.

These pictures should be in Jpg or jpeg format…

No other format is accepted.

After the upload is successfully done, you will see a preview of the files.


Step 10: Select the CBT Centers closest to your Region.


If you see this, you will be redirected to the “CBT Center” Tap.

PS: if you don’t get redirected to the tap, try re-uploading the files again.


Read through FSB Scholarship Details Scroll your way down to the bottom.

FSB states that the particular application does not attract any processing fee, therefore beware of Fraudsters.


At the Preferred CBT Center…

Click “Select Option”, to pick the center nearest to you.

Check out the box beside, “I hereby declare that every information I have supplied is accurate”.

Once done, all that’s left is to Tap “Submit Application”.

PS: Remember to crosscheck the information you provided for grammatical errors.

Alright, you have applied for the Nigerian Award Scholarship…

Congratulations to You.

So what do you do next?

Step 11: View your Full Application Profile


The Next Step is to, “View Your Full Profile” and print the slip.

PS: Since I created and provided a fake account on the FSB site, it would be better to not submit it.

You can print out your Application Slip or save it as a PDF File for Future purposes.

Your Application Number is the most important of all.

If you lose it, you can’t gain take the exams at the CBT Center.

Read Also: 45 Popular Undergraduate Scholarships for Nigerian Students (2023)

3. Post Application Exercise for the Nigeria Award Scholarship.

You have registered for the Federal Government Scholarship.

You have printed the Application Slip

  • What do you do next?
  • How do you know when the Federal Scholarship Board has begun shortlisting applicants?
  • What documents do take along to the computer-based Center?
  • Would FSB cover your Transportation Expenses to the CBT Center?
  • Why should you take a computer-based test for the Scholarship?
  • How do you know if you have been shortlisted for the Scholarship?

I would be answering each question one after another.

Let’s begin.

Q1. What to do after applying for the 2023 Federal Government Scholarship?

You wait patiently.

Maybe 2 to 3 weeks after the Application Deadline.

Truth be told, The Federal Scholarship Board takes its time with its screening process.

Almost 12,000+ applicants register for the National Award scholarship yearly and you are competing against those numbers.

The FSB Team verifies the Authenticity of the documents provided by each applicant, and it takes a lot of time to do this.

Except you are an impatient child, Just Chill for a couple of weeks.

Q2. How do you know when the Federal Scholarship Board has begun shortlisting applicants?

Honestly, when they have begun shortlisting candidates, you will know.

The Federal Scholarship Board puts a call on shortlisted applicants across Nigeria.

Most times, they send Email Notifications to awardees.

But what if you were never called or texted, what do you do?

(Coughs out)

Most applicants complain about this a lot, but the good thing about it…

Is that the Federal Scholarship Board will not contact everyone.

This is not to say that some applicants weren’t shortlisted for the CBT Exams.

It just means your village people are at work.

But I have a cure for you.

When FSB begins dialing shortlisted candidates, print your application slip.

Visit their portal, insert your application Number and print your examination slip.

(Simply do what others are doing)

You were shortlisted for the CBT examination (every candidate is).

Just go to your respective centers and write the exam.

Q3. What documents do take along to the CBT Center?

After you print the CBT slip that contains the Date and Time of the Test.

Part of the Instruction in the Slip states, “Print a copy of your Local Government Area Slip and Admission Letter”.

I will also advise you to come along with your School Id and Pencil (The use of a Pen in the CBT hall is not allowed).

Would FSB cover your Transportation Expenses to the CBT Center?

No, FSB will not cover your transportation Cost to the CBT Center.

As annoying as that sounds, it’s practically how it should be.

Just deal with it, hustle, and save up…

Take yourself to the center and participate in the Scholarship Examination.

Q4. Why should you take the FSB Computed Based Test?

To boost your chances at securing the Federal Government Scholarship.

It is required to test the IQ of every applicant.

You are expected to attain a 70% out of 100% in the exam to qualify for the next stage.

4. The Federal Government Scholarship Past Question & Answer

Scholarship Past Questions



MyscholarshipNG has created an official online store that contains a ton of Past questions to scholarship, internship & Job opportunities.

If you are looking at excelling in any aptitude test, then you might want to consider getting the past questions (it goes for 1K only)

Buy Now


I hope this helps your scholarship journey turn into a blissful win.

The Federal Government Scholarship is just one of the numerous scholarships offered in Nigeria.

Whether you get shortlisted or not, depends solely on the FSB Team.

I will advise you to apply for many other scholarships to have more grounds.

If you have any questions concerning the 2023 FSB Scholarship, do well to leave a comment.

We would get back to you as soon as possible.

Good luck with your application.

PS: Click Here to Join Our Official Whatsapp Group To Keep You Updated With All Recent Scholarship and Opportunity Updates.


    • For this year applications, there is not option to choose a CBT center. So you will be automatically be given a CBT Center based on your University location.


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